Ajay Sethi, Chairman of the Channel 2 Group Corporation expressed his delight on hosting the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh at his residence in Emirates Hills earlier this month. "It was a delightful experience to host the Chief Minister, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu at my residence. It was an honour to extend an invitation to him, and I also had the privilege of presenting the Sikh Gurdwara book, published by cricketing legend Kapil Dev and myself at the event."
The event that saw the presence of up to 140 guests saw the Chief Minister engaging with UAE investors interested in various sectors including hospitality, hotels, apple importation, agriculture, green energy, and the hydro sector. Notably, Channel 2 Group Corporation expressed interest in the Media and Film City in Himachal Pradesh (HP).
Kamal Vachani, the director of Al Maya Group, with over 100 supermarkets in the GCC, was also in attendance. Discussions unfolded with Nilesh Jain of Just Right focusing on opportunities in green energy and hydro. Ramee Group, owning 50 hotels in the GCC, showed interest in the hospitality sector. Sethi also expressed a keen interest in investing and promoting a Media and Film City in HP, targeting Bollywood, the South Indian film industry, and international film shoots. The expansion of Kangra Airport was highlighted as a significant boost for the state, particularly the Kangra Valley.
Speaking about the event, Sethi says, "The occasion held a special emotional significance, as we hosted our hometown Chief Minister in our Dubai home."