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Laura Everest showing off her medal after completing the 10 km race in 63 minutes at Dubai Marathon. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: British expat, Laura Everest, a leadership specialist, executive Coach, and motivational speaker, is celebrating her successful participation in the recent Dubai Marathon 2024 held on January 7, Sunday.

She completed the 10 km race in 63 minutes, showcasing her resilience and determination.

You may wonder what is the big deal about it. Well, for one, 10 years ago, this 57-year-old woman never thought she would ever walk again after she met with a horrific road accident in Dubai.

Horrofic accident

One morning, 10 years ago, Laura was out jogging and she was hit by a speeding car. Her body was smashed, her right foot came off, her left ankle crushed, and she had separated her left hamstring—the area where the car had first made contact. She was left with a broken left elbow. Till date, Laura has had 20 surgeries so far with more planned ahead.” Laura has had both her ankles rebuilt with titanium plates and screws. She has a lot of nerve surgeries done on both feet.

“This year was the first time in 10 years that I have not been on a plaster cast or on crutches. I saw a window of opportunity to participate in the 10-kilometre run and I took it. It was a huge achievement for me,” she added.

Laura’s timing of 63 minutes ensured she was ahead of two-thirds of participants in the 10 km race she was in. “I was actually quite sure that I could complete the race. But it was about how far I could push myself to finish the race since I am not allowed to run. But neither did I want to be right at the back struggling along,” she said.


And so Laura planned a strategy for her race. “I am very grateful that despite all the injuries, I can actually trot faster than most people can jog. As a result, I ended up finishing the 10 km race in 63 minutes, 40 seconds,” she added.

Running strategy

Executing the strategy, she explained: “I wanted to start off slowly. So the first two kilometres I walked. But I can walk very fast. Then I pushed it to a slight jog. I monitored my speed, time, and distance all through on my app. Up to 5 kms, I kept up with the slight jog. From 5 kms to 7 kms, I added more speed. I pushed myself a bit more than I should have from then on to finally finish at 63 minutes.”


Laura added: “I was delighted to note that I was ahead of two-thirds of people in the 10 km race. I was pleasantly surprised with my number for I thought I would finish in 75 minutes.”

“For me, it is an enormous achievement. I don’t know if I will get a window of opportunity again because I know that I am likely to face more surgeries ahead. But I am thrilled to bits with what I have accomplished,” she noted.

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“The world is full of challenges. The point is not to become a victim of it, instead accept it and find solutions and work but to say what does this mean and what can I do. Having belief in yourself is critical. I am an average person who has overcome so much. If I can do it, anyone can.”

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Laura emphasised her commitment to fitness, stating she works out at the gym every single day. “I keep myself physically fit in the best way I can. I walk really fast. Working out every day meant my mind and body were prepared for a challenge. Thanks to my fantastic surgeons who worked at rebuilding me, has ensured I can live my dream every now and then,” she added.