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In Episode 1 of Gulf News and Novartis’ six-part Mind your Migraine vodcast series , long-time migraine sufferer Farah Ashoka speaks to Dr Naji Riachi, Consultant Neurologist at Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City and Clerkship Director of Neurology and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs at Khalifa University College of Medicine.

In this episode, Farah points out that even with a relatively early diagnosis, life was tough. The migraine started to physically show on her face, and she suffered fatigue, loss of memory, and even loss of vocabulary, eventually leading to her quitting work . She also talks about the general misconception that migraine is just a headache when in fact it’s a chronic condition . Dr Riachi reminds Farah that her story is not unique and points out that 36 million people in the US alone suffer from migraine, but sadly only 25 per cent of them have their condition diagnosed accurately .

He also discusses cutting-edge new FDA-approved treatments that include injections. “Now we have subcutaneous injections that have really been such a joy to have because they are almost like a miracle migraine treatment,” says Dr Riachi.

If you endure migraines or know someone who does – or want to understand what sufferers really go through and how it is different from headaches – follow the vodcast series at and listen to the podcasts on leading channels.