Dubai Police
Dubai Police safely airlift worker who fell on his head at an off shore workplace. Image Credit: Dubai Police

Dubai: Thanks to the swift response by Dubai Police Air Wing, the life of a worker who fell on his head was saved.

The patient was urgently and safely transferred to Rashid Hospital for medical intervention after a recent workplace incident in an offshore facility. According to flight trainer Colonel Ali Al Muhairi, director of Dubai Police Air Wing, the Command and Control Centre at Dubai Police received an emergency call on a worker who had fallen on his head. “The worker’s condition required immediate medical intervention,” he added.

“A team of paramedics was immediately dispatched on board Dubai Police’s helicopter and they provided the necessary first aid to the patient before airlifting him to Rashid Hospital,” Al Muhairi continued.

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Rapid emergency response

Al Muhairi said Dubai Police Air Wing routinely carries out specialised humanitarian and community tasks such as providing ambulance services, search and rescue missions, and road monitoring.

He also urged the public to contact Dubai Police in case of emergencies by calling 999 or sending distress requests (SOS) via Dubai Police’s smart app to facilitate rapid emergency response.