The Lost & Found office in Terminal 3 had received the black bag from an honest taxi driver. Image Credit: Dubai Airports

Dubai: The Dubai Police have recently returned a bag with Dh77,000 worth of currencies to a transit passenger who had lost the cash before leaving Dubai.

The Pakistani traveller (S.S) did not realise that he had lost his bag until the Dubai Police contacted him to inform him that his bag and valuables inside were in safe hands at the Lost & Found Section in the General Department of Airports Security at Dubai Police.

The Lost & Found office in Terminal 3 had received the black bag from an honest taxi driver. The bag contained sums of money in different currencies: Dh1,020, SAR 67,055, GBP 2,000, PKR 3,000, and some personal documents.

After checking the bag contents for the owner's contact information, Dubai Police were able to contact his relatives in the United Kingdom, who provided the officers with the direct owner's contact number. The officers then learned the passenger would transit via Dubai International Airport on his flight back to his homeland, Pakistan.

Therefore, Dubai Police contacted and coordinated with Emirates Airlines and arranged the handover.

Brigadier Hamouda bin Suwayda Al Amiri, Acting Director of the General Department of Airports Security, honoured the taxi driver for his honesty in handing the bag to the police. He reaffirmed the Dubai Police's keenness to strengthen the concept of community partnership and reinforce the sense of responsibility among individuals.