Dubai: In the early morning hours of Thursday, Dubai Police’s Command and Control Centre fielded 2,841 emergency calls on the hotline 999 and responded to 51 traffic accidents caused by fog.
Colonel Mohammed Al Muhairi, Director of the Command and Control Centre, emphasised the need for caution during foggy conditions and urged motorists to respect traffic laws.
Motorists are advised to be vigilant, adhere to safety rules, and reduce driving speeds during fog and other weather fluctuations. Major General Saif Muhair Al Mazrouei, Director of the General Department of Traffic at Dubai Police, highlighted the increased risk of fog-related accidents during this season and encouraged drivers to check weather forecasts before journeys.
Adhere to guidelines
Al Mazrouei emphasised the importance of safety measures in foggy conditions, including reducing speed, using all vehicle lights, refraining from overtaking, and avoiding lane changes unless necessary.
He urged drivers not to use high beams and to stay focused on the road.
Reflective jackets
Cyclists and e-scooter riders are also advised to wear reflective jackets and adhere to safety regulations, including using designated lanes, wearing helmets, and equipping their rides with lights and brakes.
Traffic patrols will intensify their presence on outer roads to ensure driver awareness and prevent dangerous parking on road shoulders, especially during foggy weather.
Dubai Police underscored that following these guidelines will contribute to the safety of road users and help prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities caused by reduced visibility during foggy conditions.