Sport - Golf - Mixed Amateur Open, sponsored by Infinity and powered by Al Dobowi
Annabel Ayres and Bradley Webb presented prizes by EGC Mens Captain Frank Duggan, EGC Lady Captain Fiona Berry, Chairman Al Dobowi Surrendur Khandari and CEO Rohit Raina Image Credit: Emirates Golf Club

Annabel Ayres and Bradley Webb stormed to a six shot victory over the Majlis Course at Emirates Golf Club in the Mixed Amateur Open sponsored by Infinity and powered by Al Dobowi.

The duo carded a Net 60 round,in the Greensomes stroke play event, which consisted of eight birdies and two eagles. One of the eagles was made on par five 13th hole.

Second place went to Dileep Kumar and Maelyn Joy Unson with a respectable round of Net 66. Dileep and Maelyn produced four birdies and three eagles, two of the eagles came back-to-back on the 5th and 6th hole.

Third spot went to Mahmood Remtulla and Sangita Soni with a round of Net 68. Mahmood and Sangita producing eight birdies in their round.

The Gross winners of the Mixed Amateur Open were Darryl Cox and Naima Maya . The pair producing a great gross score of 79, seven over par.

The prizes were presented by EGC Mens Captain Frank Duggan , EGC Lady Captain Fiona Berry , Chairman Al Dobowi Surrendur Khandari and CEO Rohit Raina .

On Course Competitions:
Nearest the Pin Ladies - Hole 4 - Anne Gely Bouigue
Nearest the Pin Ladies - Hole 11 - Annabel Ayres
Nearest the Pin Men - Hole 7 - Craig Graham
Nearest the Pin Men - Hole 15 - Christoph Gassauer