
120 gms pudding rice

1 vanilla pod

250 ml full fat milk

40 gms sugar

170 ml whipping cream

7 ml almond essence 


Cherry sauce

150 gms fresh cherries

15 gms honey

40 gms sugar

¼ vanilla pod

200 ml water

3 gms corn flour


Rice and almond chips

25 gms arborio rice

15 gms almond

75 ml water

1 vanilla pod

10 gms sugar


Rice and cherry chips

25 gms arborio rice

10 ml cherry juice

75 ml water

1 vanilla pod

10 gms sugar


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Ingredient Substitution Guide


Place the milk, rice, and vanilla seeds in a pot with a thick bottom. Cook over a low flame while stirring constantly for about 50 minutes until the rice is completely soft and the rice absorbs the milk. Remove the vanilla pod from the pot and let the mixture cool for 10 minutes.

Once the mixture has cooled, blend the rice in a mixer until it becomes smooth. Then, keep it in the fridge. In a separate bowl, mix the cream and almond essence. Fold the cream and almond mixture into the cold rice mixture and scoop it onto a plate.

Cherry sauce

Deseed the cherries and cut them into quarters. Place them in a pot with all the ingredients except for the cornflour. Cook until the cherries are soft. Then add the cornflour and cook until the mixture thickens. Finally, allow it to cool down.

Rice crisp

To make the rice crisp, cook it in water, sugar, and vanilla until it becomes soft. Then, blend it until it forms a thick paste. Add chopped almonds to the paste and spread it on a baking sheet. Dehydrate it at 64°C for 26 hours or in an oven at 80°C, depending on the thickness of the crisp.

To assemble

Pour rice pudding into a bowl and top with various flavours of rice crisps. Garnish with cherry powder and roasted almond powder.

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