UAE: Jail for harm caused by dangerous driving
Judicial authorities explain penalties in new social media post
Abu Dhabi: Motorists who cause harm of any kind because of their dangerous driving will be imprisoned, officials warned on Monday.
In an awareness post on social media, the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department warned against endangering the lives of others while driving and explained the penalties imposed by law.
The post says Article 399 of Federal Decree Law No. 31 of 2021, Promulgating the Crimes and Penalties Law (the Penal Code), stipulates imprisonment and a fine, or one of these two penalties for whoever intentionally commits an act that endangers the life safety of others while driving. The penalty shall be imprisonment if the act causes harm of any kind, without prejudice to any more severe penalty provided by law.
The Department called on drivers to adhere to the instructions of Abu Dhabi Police regarding traffic rules.