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What your zodiac sign has in store for you this week: Dec 15-21

Shelley von Strunckel offers a peek into what lies in store for your sign this week

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Aries March 20 – April 19

While you frequently make last minute changes, you’re likely to regard those made by others as pointless, if not irritating. Instead of grumbling, ask a few questions. The more you learn, the clearer it will be that these aren’t just timely, they’ll prove amazingly informative. Although some insist decisions are urgent, you’re better off focusing on your options, especially those that seem unrealistic. Within days, you’ll realise that they’re exactly what’s needed.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Not only is planning ahead wise, it will force you to face and deal with changes you’ve been hoping to avoid. While the current twists and turns in both past arrangements and exciting plans are unavoidable, the more you learn, the more enthusiastic you’ll be. In fact, within days, you’ll be eagerly exploring ideas that, only recently, you’d have rejected without a thought. The trick? Realise this isn’t about making a single lasting plan but about exploring your options.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Although the period during which your ruler, the communication planet Mercury, is retrograde has a reputation for triggering confusion, if not problems, at the moment it’s a very different story. It’s about learning vital facts in settings as unexpected as, ultimately, they’ll be worthwhile. True, this could mean altering existing arrangements, future plans or even your priorities. Whatever the case, be inquisitive. The more you explore, the more you’ll benefit.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

If you’re feeling unsettled, it’s no surprise. During this week, prior to the deeply moving Cancer Full Moon, on Wednesday the 27th, both your feelings and life itself will lead to numerous twists and turns, some as welcome as they are unexpected. For now, focus as much as possible on decluttering elements of your life and, equally, certain longstanding but increasingly burdensome dreams. Keep in mind that during periods unsettling as this, miracles aren’t just possible, they’re likely.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Being told you’re about to be disillusioned may not sound like good news. However, you’re convinced certain individuals or arrangements will have the power to revitalise your life. Accepting this won’t be easy. However, once you let go of hoping that will work, suddenly you’ll be free to explore both longstanding options you’ve been unable to take advantage of and, better yet, you’ll begin to take potentially thrilling plans seriously. These will be far more important than you realise.


Virgo August 23 – September 22

Hopefully, now that you’re able to look back on December’s first half and, in particular, on how well seemingly disruptive events worked out in the long run, you’ll be better prepared to embrace what’s coming your way this week. The challenge? Promising as events or encounters are, they’re taking you into unfamiliar territory. While, usually, you’d gather as much information as possible, now it’s about living in, and learning from, every moment.

Libra September 23 – October 22

As a Libra, you’ve a strong instinct for knowing which changes are wise and, equally, which individuals are trustworthy. However, so much of what you’re currently dealing with is so unfamiliar that you’re better off plunging in, and learning from experience. True, this prevents you smoothing the way that, normally, you as a tactful Libra would do. But if ever there as a period to live one day at a time, it’s now.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Over the past month or so, you’ve reviewed and either reorganised or, in some cases, eliminated certain plans or arrangements, some longstanding. While, at the time, this seemed extreme, even then your instincts told you it was wise. Not only is that becoming increasingly clear, those changes are freeing you to explore ideas and get to know people, all of which were, only recently, of little interest. Be prepared to embrace joys as thrilling as they are unexpected.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Between the recent Sagittaius New Moon and the current powerful link between the Sun and your ruler Jupiter, ideas, offers and unexpected changes are thrilling, if not a bit exhausting. Show interest in, and explore, absolutely everything. This ensures you’re up to date, while you acknowledge certain plans must wait. Then do exactly that. Think about what, and who, should come first, then build your plans around those priorities.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Although the Sun’s move into Capricorn on Friday the 22nd, begins your personal new year, you’ve already been questioning certain longstanding arrangements and exploring new ways of organising them. Or, possibly, you’re already making far-reaching changes. However, judging by the current and coming weeks’ planetary activity, this is only the beginning. True, you’d rather know what’s next. While you’ll have hints, with so much in transition, each day will bring something as new as it is exciting.


Aquarius January 20 – February 17

As a logical-thinking air sign, you cope, if not enjoy far-reaching changes but only if you’re sure of the facts. Yet, with so many shifts in circumstances, coming from such a wide range of developments, you’re living one day at a time. True, this means ignoring your usual analytical way of thinking. However, it encourages you to trust your intuition more than is generally the case. Not only is this wise, you’ll be amazed how much you learn.

Pisces February 18- March 19

As a compassionate Pisces, you’ve had to learn how to say a firm ‘no’ to certain individuals and, equally, to ignore dramas that, in fact, aren’t yours to deal with. At the moment, you’re facing such matters nearly every day. This is helpful, because you’re learning to take a stand, then move on. Better yet, that in turn frees you to focus on the rather wonderful encounters, ideas and offers currently coming your way.
