Abu Dhabi Police video showing jaywalkers
Abu Dhabi Police video showing jaywalkers Image Credit: Screengrab

Abu Dhabi: More than 7,800 pedestrians in Abu Dhabi were fined in 2021 for jaywalking, which carries a Dh400 fine, Abu Dhabi Police said on Tuesday.

Jaywalking can endanger the life and safety of other road users, police added. The violations and their penalty are detailed in Federal Traffic Law Article No. 89.

A video clip released by police on social media on Tuesday shows instances of these hazardous and unsafe pedestrian behaviours across roads in the emirate.

The Abu Dhabi Police Traffic and Patrols Directorate has called on pedestrians to cross only at designated crossings, or to use pedestrian tunnels and bridges. In addition, abiding by pedestrian lights can also help road users stay safe because the lights work in conjunction with the traffic lights that regulate vehicular movement.

Main cause of accidents

In contrast, jaywalking has proven to be the main cause behind run-over accidents. The police urged pedestrians to pay attention to the road when crossing, and to ensure that the road is free of oncoming vehicles.

The police has set up a number of pedestrian bridges and tunnels over the last few years to ensure that pedestrians can cross safely and conveniently. Traffic authorities have also closed up gaps in the median fencing to deter jaywalking.