20200714 dubai court
Dubai Court Image Credit: Gulf News

Dubai: A Dubai salesman was sentenced to three months in jail for scamming a woman who sought a legal residency permit.

According to the Dubai Court of First Instance, the 30-year-old defendant from Congo, forged an e-visa, sent it to his countrywoman and embezzled Dh12,500 from her.

The 28-year-old woman testified that she handed her passport and the money to the defendant to issue a residency permit for her.

“I met him with my friend at his workplace at Al Muraqabbat area. I gave him Dh12,500 and after two weeks, he sent the permit over WhatsApp,” said the victim in official records.

She noticed a mistake in her date of birth in the permit but the defendant told her it was a minor one.

“He claimed that it will take time for the residency visa stamp to be put on my passport. After two months, he handed over my passport and claimed that someone took the money and didn’t put the stamp,” she added.

She went to Amer center to verify the permit and employees told her it was fake.

Dubai Public Prosecution charged the defendant with forgery, using forged documents and embezzling Dh12,500.

Judges ordered to deport the defendant after he had served his jail term. He was additionally fined Dh150,000.