20200918 Dubai Courts
Dubai Courts Image Credit: Gulf News

Dubai: A salesman in Dubai who called police to report a robbery ended up being charged with setting up a gambling den.

According to Dubai Court of First Instance, the 23-year-old expat had called police in May claiming he had been robbed. When police showed up at his apartment in International City, they found money, playing cards and credit cards.

A policeman said in official records: “The defendant called reporting about a crime at his residence. I arrived at the flat and found the accused along with a woman who helped interpret his testimony because he only speaks Chinese. He told us the theft happened while he and some of his friends were playing cards and gambling.”

‘They ran off with Dh20,000’

He told officers that a seven-member gang stormed into his apartment, assaulted him and his friends, then ran off with Dh20,000. He sustained head injuries and sought treatment at a hospital.

Officers searching the apartment found 18 credit cards, five boxes of playing cards, and other devices which they said were used for gambling.

Charge denied

The man was referred to Dubai Public Prosecution and was charged with setting up his apartment for gambling activities. However, the defendant denied the charge in the courtroom.

“As per the law, a gambling place has to be set up for all sorts of customers, which is a condition that investigations and evidence didn’t prove against my client,” said Awatif Mohammed from Al Rowaad Advocates, who are representing the defendant.

“No customers came to his apartment, it was only some friends. The sum of cash seized from my client was not proven to be a result of gambling.”

The defendant was cleared by Dubai Court of First Instance on the charge of facilitating gambling.