STOCK Dubai police staff
A Dubai Police staff member. Picture for illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Courtesy: Dubai Media Office

Dubai: As part of Dubai Police’s three-day campaign organised with partners in celebration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26, the General Department of Anti-Narcotics launched an initiative to share inspiring stories of addicts who succeeded in turning over a new leaf and regaining normality in their lives.

The initiative brought to light cases of overcoming drug addiction that the Hemaya International Centre has been assisting in completing the treatment recovery procedure of drug addicts.

According to the Director of the General Department of Anti-Narcotics at Dubai Police, Brigadier Eid Muhammad Thani Hareb, one of the heroes has recovered from drug addiction and found happiness in marriage family life after nine years of suffering under the influence of narcotic substances.

Unfortunate beginnings at 19

“After his parents’ death, the young man started using drugs at the age of 19, incited by his two addicted brothers, who both turned out to be listed in the periodic drug testing and have records of use and possession of drugs. All three were arrested in 2014,” Brig. Hareb added.

Safe embrace

Brigadier Eid Muhammad Thani Hareb

Brig. Hareb elaborated: “The young man spent nine painful years of his life seeking treatment, relapsing and getting arrested for drug abuse and possession. Yet, he did not give up hope and continuously asked for rehabilitation and psychological support over and over again at the Hemaya International Centre.”

He elaborated: “Every time he felt vulnerable and feared relapsing, he fell back on the support system of the Hemaya International Center without any hesitation, believing that Dubai Police doors were always open to whoever was willing to recover. The young man was accorded a warm welcome on every visit and his health and psychological conditions were patiently attended to.”

Commitment and self-discipline

By 2019, the young man showed a strong commitment and self-discipline over the entire legal term of the periodic drug testing. Full of gratitude, he visited the centre to express his appreciation for the considerable support and assistance he received during his treatment. He also volunteered to help other addicts shake off the scourge from their lives.

The young man encouraged his friends and family members to seek help and commit to tests, especially after his elder sister started taking drugs after getting addicted to certain prescribed medication.

He went to great lengths to help the police arrest many drug dealers.

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New beginning

“To support and empower this young man to realise his dreams and start a new chapter in his life, Hemaya International Center responded to his request to issue a certificate of completion of the periodic tests after he found a suitable job and got married. We are glad that he never stopped communicating with the specialists at the centre and considered them his second family”, Brig. Hareb concluded.