UAE workers
Picture used for illustrative purposes. Image Credit: Pexels

Dubai: A new list of fees related to the issuing and amendments of work permits has been announced by the UAE’s Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE), after a Cabinet Resolution was issued last month.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai issued Cabinet Resolution No.(37) Of 2022, which amends a few conditions of a previous resolution from 2020 (Resolution No. 21 of 2020) regarding service fees and administrative fines within MOHRE.

In an update posted on its official social media account, MOHRE said that the amended list of fees would come into effect from June 1, 2022.

Here is a breakdown of the new work permit fees structure by MOHRE.

Fees for issuing a work permit for a worker who is inside the country

• Issuing a work permit for juveniles - Dh50
• Temporary work permit - Dh50
• Issuing a part-time work permit - Dh50
• Training permit - Dh50
• Probationary work permit - Dh50
• Issuing a work permit for residency holders - Dh50
• Issuing a work permit for residency holders of freelancers for two years - Dh250

(These fees are for issuing work permits for an individual who holds a valid UAE residency)

Fees for work permits for workers who are outside the UAE

If a worker is not in the UAE at the time of application of the work permit, these are the fees that would apply:

Request for work permit:

• Category A: Dh50
• Category B: Dh50
• Category C: Dh50

Issue a work permit for two years:

• Category A: Dh250
• Category B: Dh1,200
• Category C: Dh3,450

Issue a work permit for a project:

• Category A: Dh250
• Category B: Dh250
• Category C: Dh250

What do the company cateogries mean?
These categories (A, B, C) reflect the classification of companies as per their compliance with the UAE Labour Law and the Wage Protection System. Category A is for companies that have exhibited 100 per cent commitment to the law and protection of workers’ rights. On the other hand, Category C is for companies found violating the Labour Law and its related executive regulations.

Fees to renew work permits and amend labour contracts

Renewal of work permits for two years:

• Category A - Dh250
• Category B - Dh1,200
• Category C - Dh3,450

Amending a labour contract:

• Category A - Dh50
• Category B - Dh50
• Category C - Dh50

Fees for transferring a worker from one company to another (transfer permit)

Request for a transfer permit from one company to another

• Category A - Dh50
• Category B - Dh50
• Category C - Dh50

Issuing a permit to transfer and employ a worker from one company to another, for a period of two years

• Category A - Dh250
• Category B - Dh1,200
• Category C - Dh3,450

Who pays work permit costs?

As per the new UAE Labour Law – Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 – all recruitment related costs need to be paid for by the employer. This includes the employment visa and work permit costs. This is as per Article 6 (4) of the Law, which states: “An employer shall not charge the worker or collect from him recruitment and employment costs, either directly or indirectly.” Read more here .