job offer
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Dubai – Workers in the UAE will soon have the option to sign not just a full-time employment contract, but a range of employment contracts, following the announcement of the new Labour Law.

Federal Law No. 33 of 2021 regarding the regulation of labour relations will come into effect from February 2, 2022, and covers various aspects of work life, aimed at enhancing labour market flexibility and attract the best talent.

Article 7 of the new law specifies the 'models of work' a worker can sign. Here is what the article states:

Article 7 - Models of work

1. The models of work contracted for shall be as follows:

a. Full-time  – working for one employer for the full hours of work throughout the working days.

b. Part-time  – working for one or more employers for a specific number of working hours or working days.

c. Temporary work – a work which is carried out within a specific period of time, or which involves a specific task and ends with its completion.

d. Flexible work – a work which involves changing working hours or  working days, depending on the workflow and economic and operational changes of the employer. The worker may work for an employer at flexible working ousr, depending on the circumstances and requirements of work.

e. Any other models specified by the Executive Regulations of this Decree-Law.

2. The executive regulation sets the terms and conditions of employment contracts, as well as the obligations of both the employee and employer, according to each type.