Randolph before his brain tumour started to damage his right eye. (Right) Randolph needs four cycles of treatment remaining, for which his parents have no funds. Image Credit: Courtesy: Family

Dubai: Randolph Palomer wants to become an architect when he grows up but the tumour in his brain is threatening to destroy his dreams.

The 10-year-old Filipino student of the United International Private School in Dubai is fighting for his life in a hospital in Manila, Philippines, even as he is hoping to vanquish the disease and return to Dubai to get on with his life.

In urgent need of funds for life-saving treatment, the Grade Four student has a 6cm tumour that is located in the centre of his brain and, therefore, surgery is out of the question, Randolph’s father, Rodolfo, told Gulf News .

With chemotherapy and radiation treatments, there could be a chance that Randolph is given a new lease of life, he said.

“We are devastated. He is our only son and we can’t help but hold back our tears every time we see him in pain and see his hair falling out,” said Rodolfo, who earns a salary of Dh3,500 working as a porter in Dubai airport, and is unable to pay the full amount for his son’s chemotherapy and radiation, which cost over Dh55,000.

Randolph had been complaining of noise inside his head and poor vision. His mother, who was to undergo an operation in the Philippines for her own medical condition, took Randolph with her and got a brain scan done for him. The results revealed the existence of the tumour.

Rodolfo said there are four cycles of treatment remaining, for which he has no funds. He also needs to pay a balance of 100,000 pesos (Dh7,800) to another hospital [in the Philippines], which had started his son’s treatment.

The family has knocked on several doors for financial assistance.

“My wife doesn’t work and I don’t earn enough to be able to pay the rest of the expenses. We hope he won’t need more than five cycles of chemotherapy. No words can describe what we are undergoing. We need everybody’s prayers and help. People’s generosity can help save our son’s life,” said the distraught father.

Those who wish to help Randolph can contact Samaritans Ministry of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Dubai, which is currently helping raise funds for Randolph’s treatment.