
For the coconut curry:

1 cup coconut milk

1/2 cup gram flour

1 cup yoghurt

Three stems of curry leaves

1 tsp cumin seeds

3 to 4 green chillies (whole)

Salt and pepper to taste 

1 cup water

For the beef gravy:

1 kg beef cubes

2 to 3 chopped onions

1 tsp cumin powder

1 tbsp ginger paste

1 tbsp garlic paste

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp red chilli powder

1 tbsp coriander powder

1 tsp garam masala powder

Salt to taste

3-4 chopped tomatoes 

To garnish:

Fried onions

Fried garlic

Chopped green chillis 

Ready-made potato chips

Julienne-cut ginger

Chopped fresh onions

Coriander leaves

Mint leaves

Lemon juice

Chilli flakes


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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Boil the noodles and run cold water on them after draining, so they don't overcook.

2. For the coconut curry, mix the gram flour, yoghurt and coconut milk and set aside.

3. Fry the cumin seeds, green chillis and curry leaves in hot oil for half a minute and then add the gram flour mixture to it. Add water, salt and pepper and let it simmer for 30 minutes.

4. For the beef gravy, fry the cumin seeds with the ginger and garlic paste and add the beef cubes into it. After a few minutes of frying, the meat will change its colour.

5. Add the spices and tomatoes to the beef and cook for an hour on low heat.

6. To assemble the dish, put the noodles in a plate, top it with the coconut curry, beef and garnish. 

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