Prep 50 h
Cook 20m


For the kimchi: 

7 kg Napa cabbage/Chinese cabbage

1 kg sea salt

800 gms daikon radish, julienned

400 gms carrots, julienned

200 gms spring onion, cut into 2-inch long segmsents


Seasoning paste:

1.25 l mushroom stock, (store bought or homemade)

70 gms rice flour

100 gms ginger, peeled

60 gms garlic cloves

100 gms red chili, seeds removed

500 gms persimmons, peeled

35 gms  sea salt

225 gms Gochugaru (Korean chili flakes)

20 gms  Japanese sesame seeds

Making the rice: 

30 gms  vegetable oil

25 gms  carrot, julienned

30 gms  Shimeji mushrooms

1 clove crushed garlic

150 gms vegan kimchi

250 gms boiled Jasmin rice

2  tbsp Gochujang paste

2 tbsp water

50 gms bean sprouts, divided

1 red chili, thinly sliced

1 spring onion, thinly sliced

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


For the cabbage:

1. Start by cutting the heads of cabbage into quarters and removing the cores.

2. Cut the cabbage evenly into roughly 2-inch square pieces, wash thoroughly and use a salad spinner to ensure the cabbage is as dry as possible.

3. You will need a large enough vessel or container to accommodate all the cabbage, working in layers sprinkle the salt uniformly over all the cut cabbage.

4. Cover and set aside for 3 hours, coming back every hour to mix the cabbage. This helps to ensure that the salt is evenly distributed and that the cabbage is wilting evenly.

5. After 3 hours check to see that the cabbage has softened enough, if you take a piece in your hand, you should be able to fold it in half without it snapping. If it hasn’t reached that point, mix the cabbage again and set aside for another hour or until properly softened.

6. Once the cabbage is adequately softened, strain and discard the water and combine the cabbage with the remaining vegetables and set aside.

For the seasoning paste:

1. Combine the mushroom stock and rice flour and whisk together, bring to a boil just until the mixture is thickened. Set aside and cool completely.

2. Once the mixture has cooled, combine it with all the remaining ingredients for this recipe, except the Gochugaru and sesame seeds. Transfer to a blender and blend to a smooth paste.

3. Add in the Gochugaru and sesame seeds by hand.

To finish:

1. Combine the seasoning paste with the prepared vegetables and mix evenly.

2. Fill into clean and sterilised glass jars, just to the shoulder of the jars. Make sure to leave room at the top as the mixture will release gas as it is fermenting.

3. Seal the jars and leave in a cool place in your kitchen for 2 to 3 days depending on how warm it is and how you like your kimchi.

4. After 2 to 3 days the kimchi is ready to eat. You can also transfer it to the chiller and it will continue to age and mature - just much slower. Many people prefer the taste of this aged kimchi leaving it to sit for anywhere from 5 days to 1 year.

Making the rice:

1. Using a pair of gloves or a colander squeeze all the liquid out of the kimchi and combine with the Gochujang paste and water, roughly chop the kimchi and set aside.

2. In a large wok or large heavy bottom sauté pan start by warming up the oil, adding the carrots and mushroom, sauté until just starting to colour.

3. Throw in your crushed garlic and toss until just aromatic, add in your chopped kimchi and continue cooking

4. Add the rice, taking care to break up any large clumps. Sauté until the rice starts to sizzle.

5. Add the kimchi juice and gochujang mixture and mix thoroughly through the rice.

6. Cook it down until the rice begins to sizzle again, add in half the bean sprouts pulling the pan off the heat. Check that the seasoning is to your taste.

7. To finish plating the fried rice, garnish with the remaining bean sprouts, sliced red chilies and spring onions.

Note: This is great, enjoyed as is, or with a healthy squeeze of lime juice over the top to freshen it up.

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