Prep 15 m
Cook 15m


500 gms firm tofu

1 red onion

4 cloves of garlic

3 to 4 tbsp corn flour

3 tbsp tamari sauce (store bought)

2 tbsp black pepper powder

1 tbsp white pepper

1 tbsp white vinegar

1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce

1/2 tbsp flavor enhancer (MSG or monosodium glutamate)

1/2 tbsp white sugar (or sweetener of your choice)

Spring onions to garnish

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Cut the tofu into cubes.

2. Make a marinade using the vegetarian oyster sauce, vinegar, half tablespoon tamari sauce, and half tablespoon black pepper - pour over the tofu and mix.

3. After 10 minutes, coat the marinated tofu cubes with corn flour.

4. Heat a wok on a medium flame and add three tablespoon of oil, once the oil is hot, shallow fry the tofu for six to seven minutes or until golden brown.

5. Remove the tofu from the wok and in the same oil, add the chopped garlic and diced onions.

6. Sauté the onions and garlic until translucent and then add the tofu back into the pan.

7. Toss the tofu and sauté for two to three minutes.

8. Make a sauce with two and half tablespoons of tamari sauce, one and a half tablespoon of black pepper, one tablespoon of white pepper, half tablespoon of flavor enhancer and half tablespoon of sugar.

9. Add the sauce to the wok and sauté the tofu and vegetables for three to four minutes.

11. Chop the spring onions to garnish the dish, serve hot and enjoy.

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