
12 egg yolks

13 egg whites

600 gms dried panettone

100 gms butter

200 gms with chocolate

150 gms sugar

15 gms potato starch

15 gms '00' flour (finely ground Italian flour)

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Mix the egg yolks with half of the sugar until you get the right creaminess.

2. At the same time, melt the butter with chocolate. Mix it with the egg yolks.

3. Add the flour with potato starch and sift to avoid any lumps.

4. To the mixture, add the dried-then-powdered panettone.

5. Add egg whites with the remaining sugar.

6. The consistency of the mix should be very creamy. Place the soufflé in a lightly greased mould.

7. Bake them at 190C for 12 minutes.

8. Once done, place the soufflé on the plate without removing it from the mould. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and serve and enjoy, or as I would say... Buon natale e buonappetito!