Prep 2 h
Cook 1h
16 pieces


For the base:
250 gms medjool dates 
125 gms walnuts 
125 gms almonds 
100 gms jaggery powder 
25 gms chia seeds 
2 tbsp cocoa powder 

For the top layer:
1/4 cup cocoa powder 
1/4 cup powdered jaggery 
2 tbsp coconut oil 

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


For the base layer

1. Soak the medjool dates in room temperature water for one hour. Drain the water after an hour and remove the seeds from the dates.

2. In a separate bowl, soak the walnuts and almonds together at room temperature water for one hour. Drain the water out and pat dry the walnuts and almonds once done.

3. Powder the chia seeds using food processor

4. Next, add the walnuts and almonds in a food processor and coarsely grind them. Once done, remove them out in a bowl. In the same bowl, add the chia powder, cocoa powder and jaggery powder. Mix well and keep this mix on the side.

5. In a food processor, add the dates and make it into a paste without adding any water. Keep it aside in a dry mix bowl.

6. Knead, to mix all the ingredients properly.

7. Grease a 9”x9” tin with coconut oil and set the brownie dough inside it. Use a small, greased bowl and move it all over the dough to smoothen and even it out from all the sides.

For the top layer:

1. Mix the cocoa powder, powdered jaggery and coconut oil together to make a lump free chocolate layer.

2. Pour this on top of the base layer.

3. Set it in the fridge for 1 hour and then cut into equal size pieces

Note: The brownies can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks