Prep 10 m
Cook 15m


Brioche round loaves, toasted with some garlic oil

Sausage-mushroom stew filling

100 gms chopped onion

2 tsp chopped garlic

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp chopped coriander

1 tsp smoked Aleppo (dried, deseeded and oiled crushed chillies)

500 gms sausage of choice

500 gms chopped tomato

500 gms chopped mushrooms

50 gms tomato paste

Egg mix

4 eggs

Salt and pepper to taste

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


Pangolin dome stuffed omelette filled with smoky sausage and mushroom stew Stefan Lindeque/Gulf News

1. Cook onion and garlic gently until soft, then add spices and cook out a little more.

2. Add sausage and cook to seal and brown, then add remaining ingredients and cook gently until tomato has reduced and a nice thick stew is achieved.

3. Set aside or place in fridge until ready to use.

For the egg mix:

1. Separate eggs whites from yolks.

2. Whisk the whites until firm peaks develop, then add seasoning and whisk in the yolks.

3. Use half the mixture in a mould so it is up to ½ filled, and steam in a pan filled with water.

4. After three minutes remove moulds from steamer and break into the top of the eggs to place sausage filling inside. Add rest of egg mix to cover and fill the mould.

5. Place back in steamer for 4 to 5 minutes.

6. Once the omelette is cooked remove mould from steamer, and flip your dome omelette on to the round brioche slice. Place on a plate carefully, drizzle with olive oil, salt and herbs and enjoy.

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