Prep 20 m
Cook 1h : 30m


250 gm split green gram (moong dal)

200gm coconut, freshly grated

3 tbsp ghee (50ml) or clarified butter

¼  cup (30gm) cashew nuts

100gm jaggery or soft, dark brown sugar

1 tsp ground cardamom

Hot garnish (tempering):

¼  cup (30gm) cashew nuts, crushed coarsely

2-3 tbsp raisins

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Heat half the clarified butter or ghee in a non-stick pan. Add the split green gram, coconut and cashew nuts. Stir continuously to roast until a little colour develops. Add the freshly grated coconut and stir for a minute.

Blend to make a paste:

2. Remove from the heat. Place all the roasted ingredients in a food processor to blend into a fine paste. Keep aside.

3. To make the jaggery syrup, dissolve jaggery in a little water and strain. Boil to make a thick syrup. Add the reserved ground paste, coconut and cardamom to the jaggery syrup. Cook until it attains a fondue like consistency. Pour into bowl.

For the hot garnish:

4. In a separate pan, saute raisins and the remaining crushed cashew nuts in ghee.

5. Garnish the payasam with cashew nuts and raisins.

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