
1kg bread flour

2 tsp sugar

1 tsp salt

1 egg

100ml/ 1/3 cup corn oil

½ cup (120ml) milk

2 cups water

1 tsp baking powder

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Mix all the ingredients together to make a smooth dough and leave to improve overnight under a well-oiled cling film wrap. Divide the dough into 10 parts.

2. Roll each into a round ball. Spread the dough to make a thin, snake-like layer.

3. Apply melted, cooled butter on the layer of dough. Sprinkle with flour.

4. Start from one end and roll it into a round wheel. Set aside for 15 minutes, in a cool place, to settle. Then spread the dough and lay over a cloth-covered dome.

5. Knock the bread onto the side of the oven. Cook in a clay oven for 2 minutes.

6. Remove from the oven with long-handled hooks. Place on a surface smeared with some melted ghee.

7. Put your hands on either side of the paratha and crisply jam the bread between your hands, to break up the paratha into flaky layer characteristic of a lachcha paratha. Serve immediately.

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