Prep 5 m
Cook 10m


260 gms sliced sour kimchi

300 gms white flour

3-4pcs egg

30 gms spring onion

6 gms chili powder

3 gms salt

Cooking oil

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Chop kimchi and spring onion finely and mix together (add some kimchi soup or vinegar if kimchi is not sour enough).

2. Add red pepper powder, white flour, salt and eggs to the dish, and toss well until the batter for the pancake gets watery without clumps.

3. Preheat a frying pan with cooking oil.

4. Spread out the batter thinly.

5. As the batter starts to cook, twirl the pan to help spread the cooking oil and batter evenly.

6. When the edges start to cook, flip the kimchi jeon over.

7. After flipping, keep twirling the pan.

8. Once kimchi jeon is well cooked, flip it over one more time to make it crispy and serve for a savoury, tangy snack.

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