Zero- vs. First-Party Data

In the wake of third-party cookie deprecation, continued education around different types of data and their use cases can help move the industry towards new solutions and approaches for personalized targeting and engagement with consumers. Below, we break down the differences between zero- and first-party data, both helpful data types for building up a better understanding of your users.


  Zero-party data First-party data
What's the definition? Data a customer intentionally shares with you Behavioral data collected by observing customers
How is the data collected? Registration forms, surveys, preference selections & other explicit data-capture tactics As users browse your website, app or visit your ecommerce store
What can you do with the data? Gain deeper insight into user interests & customise content, native ads & onsite messaging based on those profiles Create audience profiles & segments based on user interests to optimise onsite customer experiences
Why is the data valuable to brands and publishers? Users explicitly volunteer data about their interests, resulting in more targeted content & messaging to generate higher user conversion rates Behavioral data is integrated into DMPs to build insightful audience profiles that visualise user interests to further improve engagement & conversion rates
How do you monetize the data? Create paywalls, ads & personalized journeys that drive users to subscribe to high-quality, relevant content Increase ad performance & provide content recommendations that improve the experience & increase ROI
Is the data collection method compliant with privacy laws? Yes Yes


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