OneSignal Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct

Last updated August 1, 2022

This Code of Conduct applies to any use of the OneSignal services. This Code of Conduct is incorporated  by reference into, and governed by the Enterprise Terms and Conditions, Growth Plan, Professional Plan,  Free Plan, or other similar written agreement between you (Customer) and OneSignal.

This Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct is subject to change from time to time with such  changes effective upon posting at . OneSignal encourages all users to review this  Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct regularly.

By using the OneSignal services (the “Service”), You agree to:


  • Be solely responsible and liable for Your Content and any content linked from Your Content .
  • Must seek and secure any and all necessary consents from, and provide any necessary notices  to, Your users, before providing such data via the Service. Emails and SMS (unless
    transactional) can only be sent where permission has been expressly obtained in nature, and  can only be sent to recipients who have granted clear, explicit and provable consent to receive  communication. This consent should be granted through a confirmed single or double opt-in  system that clearly expresses the topic of the subscription on an online or offline form via an  unmarked by default checkbox
  • Proof of consent must be provided in the event of an escalated abuse complaint. We take
    escalated abuse complaints received from recipients very seriously. At any given moment, you  must be able to provide information regarding all email addresses and/or telephone numbers to  which you’ve sent emails and/or SMS through the platform (including the basis of the obtained  consent, when and how the email address or telephone number was collected, and any other  pertain proof of legal permission to contact the recipients).
  • An unsubscribe link must be included in every marketing email campaign. All email marketing  campaigns must include a clear and concise link for recipients to easily opt-out of receiving  future communication. The link must be easy for anyone to recognize, read, and understand.
  • You must honor unsubscribe requests without undue delay. For marketing SMS, you must
    provide all the end-users the right to opt out of receiving any further SMS sent by you. Note that  transactional and confirmation emails and transactional SMS do not require an unsubscribe link.
  • Sender name and status must be clearly communicated in every email message. “From” and  “To” fields must accurately and clearly identify the sender’s domain name and email address. 
  • All email sending metrics to remain within OneSignal’s thresholds:
    • Bounces , ≤ 5%, calculated on the number of messages that have bounced
    • Unsubscribes , ≤ 1.4%, or 1% if unsubscribes > clicks
    • Spam Complaints , ≤ 0.08%, Calculated on the number of messages that have been reported as spam
    • *OneSignal reserves the right to update the parameter of acceptable sending threshold without prior notice.
  • Must not, and hereby certify that You will not, sell, export or re-export, divert or transfer, or  otherwise participate in any export transaction involving the Service with individuals or entities  listed in the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Denial Orders, the U.S. Treasury  Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of State’s list of  individuals debarred from receiving Munitions List items and other applicable lists, e.g., the  Entity List. The U.S. “consolidated screening list” of parties for which the U.S. government  maintains restrictions can be found here: Screening-List .
  • Hereby certify that You will not violate U.S. law with respect to the U.S. consolidated screening  list including, but not limited to, the following: (a) re-exporting / transferring U.S. controlled items  or technology to an individual or entity identified on the U.S. consolidated screening list; (b) that  no party to this transaction is identified on the U.S. consolidated screening list; and (c) You are  not owned or otherwise controlled by any individual or entity on the U.S. consolidated screening  list.
  • Hereby certify that this transaction does not violate the current U.S. sanctions laws and
    regulations with respect to Russia/Ukraine (which can be found  here: ),  including, but not limited to: (i) the use of this product for an unauthorized purpose (e.g., use of  the product for deep-water, Arctic offshore, or shale projects that have the potential to produce  oil in the Russian Federation); (ii) the product is not for use by an entity identified on a U.S.  sanctions list; and (iii) the product will not be re-exported or transferred to the Crimea-Region of

Prohibited Behavior:

  • Must not u se the Service for any unlawful purpose or in any manner not intended by OneSignal  or as contemplated herein;
  • Must not engage in any action that is in violation or circumvention of any third-party developer or  platform terms or conditions (e.g., Apple iPhone Developer Program License Agreement,  Android Software Development Kit License Agreement) as they may be amended from time to  time;
  • Must not engage in spamming, flooding, or deceptive marketing practices;
  • Must not transmit any software or other materials that contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses,  defects, date bombs, time bombs or other items of a destructive nature;
  • Must not modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble  any portion of the Service;
  • Must not remove, alter, conceal any copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights  notices contained in the Service;
  • Must not access, or attempt to access, the Service by any means other than through the SDK or  API, or other provided interfaces or related APIs;
  • Must not reproduce, copy, duplicate, sell, resell or trade the Service;
  • Must not institute an attack upon any server used in connection with the Service or otherwise  attempt to disrupt such servers or abuse the Service; and
  • Must not make any statement that expresses or implies that you are endorsed by us, without our  prior express written consent.
  • Agree that OneSignal has the right to reasonably monitor Your use of the Service to ensure Your  compliance with this Agreement.

Prohibited Content:

  • Must not knowingly transmit or link to: (a) content or information that is unlawful, fraudulent,  threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, hateful, obscene or otherwise objectionable, or  infringes our or any third party’s intellectual property or other rights; (b) material, non-public  information about companies without the authorization to do so; (c) trade secret of any third  party; or (d) advertisements, solicitations, chain letters, pyramid schemes, investment  opportunities or other unsolicited commercial communication (except as otherwise expressly  permitted by us);
  • Any payday loans, debt collection agencies, affiliate marketing, or anything that can be
    considered abusive or dishonest;
  • Any gambling activity in violation of any required licenses, codes of practice, or necessary
    technical standards required under the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction in which your site is  hosted or accessed;
  • Constitutes, depicts, fosters, promotes or relates in any manner to child pornography, bestiality,  non-consensual sex acts, or otherwise unlawfully exploits persons under 18 years of age;
  • Publish, transmit or store any content or links to any content that is excessively violent, incites  violence, threatens violence, contains harassing content or hate speech, creates a risk to a  person’s safety or health, or public safety or health, compromises national security or interferes  with an investigation by law enforcement;
  • Is unfair or deceptive under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction, including chain  letters and pyramid schemes;
  • Is defamatory or violates a person’s privacy.

Email Validation Requirements:

  • You may not use the Services to verify the email address(es) of any person who has not
    affirmatively consented (i.e., opted-in) to, or who has expressly opted-out from receiving email  communications from you;
  • You may not use the Services to validate email addresses that were purchased, rented or
    similarly obtained from a third party (i.e., third party email lists);
  • You may not use the Services to harvest or generate email addresses or otherwise determine the  existence of unknown email addresses