Kotlin Help

Type aliases

Type aliases provide alternative names for existing types. If the type name is too long you can introduce a different shorter name and use the new one instead.

It's useful to shorten long generic types. For instance, it's often tempting to shrink collection types:

typealias NodeSet = Set<Network.Node> typealias FileTable<K> = MutableMap<K, MutableList<File>>

You can provide different aliases for function types:

typealias MyHandler = (Int, String, Any) -> Unit typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean

You can have new names for inner and nested classes:

class A { inner class Inner } class B { inner class Inner } typealias AInner = A.Inner typealias BInner = B.Inner

Type aliases do not introduce new types. They are equivalent to the corresponding underlying types. When you add typealias Predicate<T> and use Predicate<Int> in your code, the Kotlin compiler always expands it to (Int) -> Boolean . Thus you can pass a variable of your type whenever a general function type is required and vice versa:

typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean fun foo(p: Predicate<Int>) = p(42) fun main() { val f: (Int) -> Boolean = { it > 0 } println(foo(f)) // prints "true" val p: Predicate<Int> = { it > 0 } println(listOf(1, -2).filter(p)) // prints "[1]" }
Last modified: 11 February 2021