Developer Console

Submit your app

Review this checklist to make sure you're ready to submit your app in the Amazon Appstore.

Pre-submission checklist

  1. App content:  Make sure your app meets the Amazon Appstore content policy requirements.

  2. App preparation:  Follow the tips in Understanding Amazon Appstore submission  to generate the APK files for your app.

  3. Images:  Create and collect the required images for your app listing, as described in Image guidelines for Amazon Appstore submission .

  4. Intellectual property (IP) documentation:  If your app uses the intellectual property (IP) of a third party, be prepared to provide documentation to Amazon that you have obtained the proper license or permission to use that IP from the third party.

  5. Testing:  Test your app and make sure your app passes the test cases described in Test criteria for Amazon Appstore apps . To learn more about available testing tools, see Testing your app for the Amazon Appstore .

  6. Device targeting:  Specify which devices you plan to target with your app in your Android manifest file. See Device filtering and compatibility

  7. Installation location:  Set the installation location for your app to External Storage (preferExternal) in your manifest, as this will provide a better experience for your users.  See Specifying your app's installation location

  8. Security profile:  If your app uses the Amazon Device Messaging API, be prepared to associate your app with a security profile as part of the submission process. See Security profile .

  9. Compile errors:  If your app references nearly 65,000 methods, you will need to reduce the number of methods referenced to avoid compile errors when submitting your app. See Compile errors from referencing more than 65,000 methods. 

Ready to submit your Android app?

International distribution:  Whenever you create a new app, it is set to be available in all countries by default. Read more in Distribute your app internationally .

App updates : Save time updating your apps by using the Submission API  to automate the submission of new app versions or streamline frequently performed operations. You can also limit the radius of impact when you introduce upgrades to your app with Staged rollouts .

Double-check that your Android app is ready for submission


Pre-test your app

Test your app for compatibility  with Appstore and see if it passes. Address any failures before submitting your app.

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Review the step-by-step guide

Follow our step-by-step instructions  for submitting your app.

Ready to submit your HTML5/Web app?

International distribution:  Whenever you create a new app, it is set to be available in all countries by default. Read more in Distribute your app internationally .


Double-check that your HTML5/Web App is ready for submission

Docs with wrench

Web App overview

Learn more about Amazon's Web App developer tools

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Web App SDK

Download the Web App SDK.

Web App Docs

Set up your development environment

Read our Web App docs to start building streaming media apps


Web app FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions about HTML5/Web Apps.

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