Shremohan Chauhaan (left), Co-Founder and COO, and Imran Farooqui, Founder and CEO. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Nuqi Digital Wealth UAE , a prominent Fintech company, has proudly announced its successful acquisition of the prestigious Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) license within the UAE. This significant achievement represents a monumental stride forward for Nuqi Digital Wealth UAE, further solidifying its position as a distinguished ethical financial advisory firm committed to responsible and sustainable investment practices.

The attainment of the DFSA license stands as a testament to Nuqi Digital Wealth UAE's unyielding dedication to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and regulatory compliance within the financial industry. Nuqi Digital Wealth UAE's DFSA license follows the earlier acquisition of the Securities and Exchange Board (SEBI) license, opening doors for the launch of wealth management advisory services in India.

Nuqi transcends conventional investment profiles, meticulously crafting investment portfolios through an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) lens. This approach ensures alignment with the values of the younger generation, including Gen Z, who prioritize a sustainable future over mere financial returns. Imran Farooqui, Founder and CEO of Nuqi Digital Wealth, emphasizes, “NUQI is poised to become the financial partner of choice for the ESG-conscious generation. We understand that Gen Z and beyond crave more than just profits; they want investments that align with their values and build a better future. NUQI doesn't just manage wealth; we champion conscious capitalism, making sustainability and ethics the cornerstone of every portfolio.”

Shremohan Chauhaan, Co-Founder and COO of Nuqi Digital Wealth, reinforces the commitment by stating, "Profit isn't enough. In a world yearning for conscious growth, Nuqi Digital Wealth blossoms with ethics and sustainability at its core. The DFSA license isn't a formality; it's a springboard for a global impact revolution. Forget walled gardens; we're architects of seamless prosperity, where secure investments are seeds blooming into a brighter future, accessible to all. Our cutting-edge technology removes the thorns of complex paperwork and sky-high minimums. With Nuqi, investing in conscious prosperity is as effortless as a desert flower breaking through sand, thriving first in the UAE, then across the globe. Join us as we rewrite the narrative of wealth, one ethical bloom at a time."

Nuqi takes pride in its in-house team of seasoned CFA® professionals and industry veterans who not only excel in portfolio construction but also champion the cause of ethical investing. Their deep expertise and unwavering dedication to ESG principles ensure that each investment portfolio mirrors not only market trends but also embodies a profound understanding of responsible investment practices.

In addition to securing the DFSA license, Nuqi Digital Wealth UAE is gearing up to launch its revolutionary Wealth Advisory mobile app. This innovative platform empowers users with an efficient and user-friendly tool to manage their investments seamlessly. The app offers access to a diverse array of investment opportunities across all asset classes, meticulously curated to align with ethical and sustainable principles, ultimately contributing to a positive impact on the environment and society.

With unwavering commitment to ethical values, sustainability, and inclusivity, NUQI empowers individuals to invest confidently, knowing that their wealth plays a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for themselves, their communities, and the planet.