Having problems with your UAE visa application? Raise a complaint on the ‘Customer Voice Gateway’
Facing issues with visas, Emirates ID, fines? How to raise an official complaint online.
Dubai: Facing issues when applying for a UAE visit visa, or struggling with your residency visa or Emirates ID application? You can directly raise a complaint online through the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security (ICP) ‘Customer Voice Gateway’ platform - cc.icp.gov.ae .
According to ICP, the ‘Customer Voice Gateway’, is a uniform system that makes it easy for customers to submit their complaints and learn about the actions being taken regarding the complaint. This can be used even if you applied for your visa or Emirates ID through a registered typing centre, and not directly with ICP.
Here are some the services you can access:
1. Absconding report withdrawal
2. Residency visa renewal or issuance
3. Humanitarian cases
4. Refund requests
5. Changing status for residency permit.
6. Leave permit issuance
7. Emirates ID information update
8. Emirates ID issuance and renewal
9. Visa extension
10. Fines
11. Golden Visa application
12. Lost/damaged residence permit
13. Lost/damaged entry permit
14. Establishment card issuance and renewal
15. Report escape (absconding)
16. Remove escape (absconding)
17. Open sponsorship file.
How to file a complaint with ICP
Step 1: Visit the website and fill in the application:
- Go to the website – cc.icp.gov.ae, and click on the first option ‘Create a New Ticket’.
- Fill in the application form:
a. Enter customer information
- Enter your full name, email address, and mobile number.
- Select your applicant type from the drop-down menu:
• Citizen
• Resident
• Visitor
• GCC Citizen
- Next select your nationality. If you are a visitor, you must enter your country of residence. However, if you are a resident or citizen, you must enter the emirate in which you reside.
- Enter your Emirates ID number if you are a citizen or resident. If you are visitor, enter your passport number.
- Choose your preferred language – Arabic or English.
b. Enter service information:
- Select the ‘Application Name’ – under this, you have to select the department you want to raise a complaint or enquiry with.
For example, if you applied for an Emirates ID through an ICP Customer Happiness Centre, select the branch from the drop down menu, like ‘ID Service Centre – Rashidiya’.
If your complaint is related to residency permits and entry visas, select the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) department in that emirate, for example – ‘Residency and Foreign Affairs – Sharjah’.
You also have the option to select ‘eChannels’ if you have submitted an application through the ‘UAEICP’ mobile app or through a tying centre.
- Enter the ‘Sub-Application’ – for this part of the application form, you have to enter the type of complaint. Select the category of the complaint and the type of service, depending on the complaint category from the drop-down menu.
c. Enter the ticket information
• Type in the subject or topic.
• Select the type of ticket from the drop-down menu – question, complaint, or compliment.
- You can enter the ticket number or reference number for your previous application, but it is optional.
Step 2: Enter the details and upload any documents
- You must enter the details of your complaint. You have the option to also attach any supporting documents. You also have the option to select ‘Need call back’.
- Next, click on the ‘I’m not a robot captcha’ and click on the ‘Create New’ button at the bottom right.
Step 3: Track the complaint
Once you complete the application process, you will receive an email with the complaint reference number, which can be used to track the status of the application. The relevant department in ICP will examine the complaint and take the required actions to solve it.
To check the status, click on ‘Track Complaint’ on the website’s homepage and enter the ticket number.
When will I get a response?
Another email will be sent on the status of the complaint within five working days .