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What your zodiac sign has in store for you this week: Jan 12-18

Shelley von Strunckel offers a peek into what lies in store for your sign this week

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Aries March 20 – April 18

While you’ve already managed to tackle and, mostly, put to rest a number of tricky situations, others remain a source of concern. Backing off is out of character but, still, do so for now This gives you a chance to talk over pivotal issues with others, something that proves unexpectedly informative. That, then, leads to links with certain individuals who’ll be helpful now and, even more. in the future. Ultimately this will result in an extensive, top to bottom review.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

As a practical Taurus and an earth sign, whatever it is you’re doing or planning, you’ll check out the facts. However, with so much transition, even seemingly simple arrangements are likely to change and, often, change again. While unsettling initially, you’ll soon be grateful for the freedom this gives you to discuss, then make, sudden changes, some far-reaching. This approach will work so well, the odds are good you’ll use it in several other, equally complex, situations.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

In some situations, you’ve managed to sidestep certain tricky issues while you’ve had ideas about ways to resolve others, but lacked an opportunity to discuss your suggestions. However, the current slower pace gives you a chance to do exactly that. Ordinarily, as an inquisitive air sign, you’d make plans day by day, you’ve no choice but to think well ahead. While this complicates matters, it’s by far the best approach.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

After weeks, if not months, of seeking a tactful ways of dealing with persistent issues, most involving others, you’ve discovered an approach that will work, and in a range of situations. The starting point was the frank discussion triggered by the emotionally intense Full Moon, on the 11th. Tempting as it is to take those discussions further, back off. Certain individuals need time to think. In the meanwhile, explore ways to disentangle yourself from restrictive arrangements.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Being an energetic fire sign, once events have roused your enthusiasm, you’ll do your best to get things going. True, recent events were unrewarding. However, the Leo Full Moon, on Thursday the 25th, triggers pivotal events in these and other matters. And for now? Take it slowly, focusing on details you’d usually ignore. Not only will you be amazed how much you enjoy wrestling with them, the payoff for your efforts will be unexpectedly rewarding, as well.


Virgo August 22 – September 21

While you quite rightly pride yourself on your knack for devising solutions for everything from others’ unwise planning to unsettling changes in circumstances, even you are struggling with developments as sudden as they are puzzling. The solution? Wait and watch, and in the meanwhile tackle dull but increasingly pressing issues. Bizarrely, what you learn in the process will reveal ways around those trickier matters. And better yet, without the dramas you’ve feared.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Once you understand that, because you’ve been so busy dealing with an array of changes, in your life but, equally, in the circumstances of others, it will be clear why you unwittingly ignored so many pivotal details. While the current slow pace enables you to catch up, the rate of unexpected events continues until late January. Out of character as making halfway plans is, it’s the best approach, now and over the coming weeks.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

As an intuitive Scorpio, you’re amazing at sensing the nature of changes. With both the Sun and your ruling planet, Pluto, moving into Aquarius, which accents breakthroughs, early this week, even you are likely to be puzzled by the nature and direction of events. The solution? Take things one day at a time and, when possible, go with the flow. If that means taking chances, do. What’s puzzling one day will prove to be a miracle the next.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Usually you’re the first to explore new ideas and make changes. Yet, recently, you’ve focused on editing out elements of your life, some longstanding. While timely, this could mean you’ll have to scramble when sudden, but welcome, events require you deal with changes of another nature. Forget about in depth analysis and, instead, rely on your quick-thinking Sagittarian instincts. That, plus ensuring plans are flexible, will enable you to make the best of this thrilling but unsettling period.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

First, the recent Capricorn New Moon shifted your perspective. Then, the departure by Pluto, planet of both truth and power struggles, from your sign on the 21st, marks the ending of a cycle and, equally, frees you from once inescapable elements of your life. The challenge? The promise of those changes won’t be immediately clear, yet others will want fast action. Instead, trust instincts that say ‘be patient’. Within days you’ll realise how wise this was.


Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Having been born as an Aquarius, you’ve always been drawn to, and had an instinctive understanding of, the need for breakthroughs. In fact, you’ve probably been responsible for some yourself. But now, with both the Sun and Pluto moving into your sign, your perspective and, in fact, life itself is shifting. While some changes are no surprise, others are as puzzling as they are unexpected. For now, forget about decision-making and focus on exploration.

Pisces February 19- March 19

True, events are as unsettling as they are exciting. However, your Piscean intuition is serving you well. You not only sense the direction of events, you’re aware the variety of support others need. Most of all, your instincts are to focus on the breakthroughs these are leading to, obscure as they are now. Once your perspective is clear, stick to it, and encourage those who’re anxious to join you in that approach. It will turn dramas into joys.
